Networked insurgencies: social media revolutions and meme warfare

BCM206 week 8 lecture topic

This weeks lecture was on the topic of network insurgencies, it discusses how social media has been used by various actors. one of the subject readings for this week was ‘Situational Assessment 2017: Trump Edition’ a blog post by Jordan Hall. This post took a look into assessing the the shape and state of our global challengers. The most interesting part of this text is the way Hall discusses “new media” new media meaning Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, all the social media’s, are harder to predict. This means conflict is more likely to appear on these platforms rather than traditional media.

If it wasn’t for this weeks lecture I wouldn’t have thought the new media would have any more conflict associated to it than any other media, I can see how Twitter for example can almost be a form of impulse media in my opinion as it can take a couple of seconds to tweet a thought that could cause conflict due to the lack of thought and time put into it.


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